Andrei Krioukov was born 1959 in Moscow. He studied at the Moscow art academy with a certificate as graphic designer.


The special about Krioukov’s work is the close relationship between art and life. From the year 2000, Krioukov painted everyday objects. His studio resembled a storeroom consisting of collected ‘rubbish’.


The photographically correct ‘portraits’ of the objects collected in the yellow sack (sack used in German households for recycling) are reminiscent of the photographic reproductions of Andreas Gursky and his supermarket collection.

The one-way-system and the expression ‘one-way-realism’ becomes clear through the painted medium and acts like a mirror for all viewers. They are called to reflect about their own consumer habits.


Between the years 2000 and 2008 there is often a Coca- Cola can amongst the depicted objects. In 2011 in Berlin, under the title ‘United World’, Krioukov presented an impressive exhibition of large, colourful canvases (180 x 200 cm) all dedicated to the Coca-Cola can.